What is your Therapy Philosophy?
I have always identified as an eclectic therapist. I remember once when I was still a trainee, I was at a training where one of the leaders said she was a “dirty therapist”. What she meant by that was that she did not stick to one theoretical viewpoint but would use whatever works for each individual client. I find myself most comfortable with more modern therapies (Solution Focused and Narrative ) and, most recently I have become very interested in Mindfulness and somatic therapies. I also strongly believe that therapists are people and should be authentic with their clients. I am not a fan of the “therapist is a blank state” philosophy. I find my clients trust me more because I do not hide who I am from them.
What do you specialize in?
I work with adults, both individuals and couples. Most of my clients are dealing with Depression and or Anxiety. I also work with LGBTQ clients and with people struggling with life and career transitions.
What are three adjectives that describe you as a therapist?
What's one thing that could be better understood about therapy?
People don’t need to have a serious diagnosis to benefit from therapy. Sometimes it can be helpful to talk about issues we are experiencing in our lives with someone who does not know us personally and has no stake in the decisions we ultimately make.
What's a therapy tool you use yourself?
Mindfulness and reframing are the tools I use the most in my own life. Since taking a CEU class on the benefits of Mindfulness and Meditation a few years ago, I have become a regular meditator and have found it to be a very effective way to deal with stress and difficulties in my own life.
What's something you would share with someone who has never been to therapy?
The client is the expert, not the therapist. Therapists see a client for 45 to 50 minutes once a week but the client lives their lives 24/7. They know themselves far better than we ever will. Therapy should be a collaborative process between the therapist and the client. Also, they don’t have to continue working with a therapist who they do not trust or do not feel a connection with. It is perfectly fine to interview more than one therapist to find the right fit.
What's a common misconception about therapy?
Similar to my answer about what could be better understood about therapy, one does not need to be suffering from a serious diagnosis to benefit from therapy. Going to therapy does not mean that you are crazy.
How can we contact you?
e-mail: IngridOlianskyLMFT@gmail.com
phone: 818-927-3855 (confidential voicemail and text)
website: www.IngridOlianskylmft.com